身心问题由来已久。疑病症是心理-躯体关系讨论的核心,因为看起来个体在没有“真正”疾病的情况下会有身体不适。本研究旨在探索患有疑病症的个体如何与自己的身体互动,以及他们对所认为的疾病或对疾病的焦虑的体验。此外,还试图了解他们与他人建立关系的方式,尤其是与医生、其他医疗保健专业人员以及他们试图从谁那里获得保证。解释现象学分析 (IPA) 被用作一种方法,因为它提供了一种系统的方法,通过对案例进行非常详细的检查来研究个体的主观体验。研究包括 14 名年龄在 19-55 岁之间、居住在安卡拉的参与者,他们的问卷分数表明他们对健康有高度焦虑,并且他们还表示他们对自己的健康感到焦虑。研究数据是通过面对面的半结构化访谈收集的。对这些访谈进行分析后,出现了四个上级主题。主题包括“健康焦虑的因果归因:核心的损失是一个未解决的问题”、“陷入症状的漩涡”、“无休止地向专家寻求命名自己的经历并消除不确定性”和“每朵乌云都有一线希望:生病/感觉生病的好处”。根据文献讨论了这些主题和研究结果的临床意义。
In accordance with social impacts on tension issues, an audit indicated that surprise and 10-minute crescendo measures in alarm issue, meaning of social uneasiness and social reference bunch in social nervousness issue, and the inclination given to mental manifestations of stress in summed up nervousness issue
are phenomenological articulations in various societies. Independence versus cooperation nature of nations might be identified with social tension in an unexpected way. Besides, khyâl top (wind assaults), taijin kyofusho, and ataques de nervios are three fundamental instances of culture-explicit articulations of uneasiness issues, which have been remembered for DSM-V as misery ideas.
An examination on nervousness and its social complexities in Iran indicated that people with Azeri nationality (one of a few Iranian identities) experiencing enthusiastic issues revealed 11 fundamental topics as shirking, brokenness, excitement, muddled character, redundancy, somatization, risky conduct, maladaptive insight, mindfulness, and positive and antagonistic emotionality, among which somatization had the most noteworthy recurrence. There is solid proof that people from non-Western societies essentially report more physical instead of mental indications.
In this examination, we utilized the term culture and identity reciprocally to allude to basic legacy, common convictions, and standards of a unit or a gathering of individuals. Iran is a nation with various social and ethnical foundation, and this might be liable for different mental indications. Besides, there is no sufficient data about social parts of nervousness in Iranian populace and on account of the unmistakable quality of social consequences for uneasiness indications and culture-quality communications, considering the social idea of tension issues in Iranian populace is of most extreme significance. Besides, the nervousness marvel is incredibly mind boggling and sitting back makes it much more unpredictable somehow or another, so the most ideal approach to explain a substance based wonder is to lead a subjective exploration.
主观方法可以揭示一些无法通过主观方法解释的现象。此外,它还可以帮助理解不同的观点并有助于心理健康策略。这项研究的主要目的是研究伊朗四个被诊断为患有社交焦虑症的民族群体(LOR、FARS、TURK 和 KURD)中焦虑的社交因素,主要是社交焦虑。通过这种方式,可以进行推测。这项研究的重点是:描述焦虑症患者的焦虑体验;评估一般人群的焦虑意识和体验;确定研究参与者出现焦虑的原因;描述参与者对焦虑预测和结果的结论,描述参与者对预防和治疗焦虑症的假设。
Burcu Pınar Bulut 30 岁时从中东技术大学获得博士学位,并在安卡拉哈吉拜拉姆韦利大学心理学系工作。在她的论文中,她对患有严重健康焦虑症状的个体进行了研究。她是一位拉康主义心理学家:四年来,她一直参加有关拉康理论的会议。她在知名期刊上发表了 4 篇论文,并在国内和国际会议上发表了 9 次演讲。她还担任 Ayna 临床心理学杂志的编辑委员会成员。
第 32 届心理与行为健康国际会议,2020 年 4 月 22 日至 23 日
Burcu Pınar Bulut,《焦虑的螺旋:对健康焦虑个人个人经历的定性分析》,2020 年心理健康大会,第 32 届心理和行为健康国际会议,2020 年 4 月 22 日至 23 日