
Could Local Perceptions of Water Stress be Explained by LULCC?

Ayeni AO, Cho MA, Ramoelo A, Mathieu R, Soneye ASO and Adegoke JO

Could Local Perceptions of Water Stress be Explained by LULCC?

Mapping land use/land cover changes (LULCC) is essential for a wide range land use planning and adaptation mechanisms to global warming/climate change, impacts of natural hazard and socioeconomic dynamics on the local to global scales. In this study, we seek to investigate whether water stress in the induced savanna of Southwestern, Nigeria as perceived by the various communities can be explained by LULC changes in the region. LULCC was conducted using orthorectified Landsat multi-temporal imageries for 1970/1972, 1986/1987, 2000/2001 and 2006 using maximum likelihood classification and change detection techniques in ENVI 4.4 software.