
Development of Anther in Goodyera repens (L.) R. Br.: A Massulate Orchid

Ravi Kant and Shilpa Goel

Development of Anther in Goodyera repens (L.) R. Br.: A Massulate Orchid

In the present communication, anther development in Goodyera repens (L.) R. Br. has been studied using light and scanning electron microscopy. Anther primordium was initiated as an elliptic mass of meristematic cells surrounded by protoderm with two lateral thecae. Anther wall was formed from hypodermal layer and was 4-5 layered. Its development was of Monocotyledonous type. Endothecium was 2- layered at many places. Massulae were developed by repeated mitotic divisions in the sporogenous cells. Tapetum of dual origin was formed. In each massula, pollen mother cells were divided meiotically resulting into microspore tetrads. Fibrous thickenings were developed in both the endothecial layers. Middle layer was ephemeral. Massulae were attached to the reticulum. Two bipartite pollinia were formed. Pollen grains were aperturate and sculpturing was of reticulate type..