
Human Resource Management in Health Care: A Global Perspective

Stefane M Kabene

When compared to their peers, a few representatives accomplish
work in less time. For example, if a specific representative needs 10
hours to complete an assignment that other representatives can do in
15 hours to 20 hours, the supervisors will favor the former because
this person can handle more errands in the time saved. Furthermore, if
a specific representative increases the value added to the organization
by implementing initiatives such as planning devices for increased
efficiency, the individual is adding more value than the others, and as a
result, the individual in question would be suitably compensated.
Aside from that, if a certain representative has less breaks, for
example, does not surf the web or continuously check Facebook, the
organization is likely to view these employees as more valuable
resources than the others. To be sure, as economic conditions worsen,
the chances of these workers being fired are lower, if not non-existent.
The ultra-useful and ultra-productive labor force would clearly
dominate the work environment of the future, as seen by the way
many firms around the world hold their top entertainers while
releasing the ones who are less skilled and valuable.