Ahmed Mohammed* 和 Laith Abualigah
Decision making methods are regarded as one of the most important methods for assisting decision makers in selecting the best option from a set of alternatives. But with the development of daily life problems and the emergence of uncertainty and vagueness in many aspects, the traditional methods have become insufficient, especially in complex and fuzzy environments. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt supportive techniques to improve those approaches, including the use of fuzzy set theory. Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Making (FMCDM) is proposed as a suitable solution for complicated issues with high uncertainty and complexity. According to the findings of the literature study, fuzzy (AHP) and fuzzy (VIKOR) are the best decision making strategies for dealing with uncertainty and subjectivity issues in a fuzzy environment. This research aims to firstly present an integrated FAHP-FVIKOR based on a triangular type-1 fuzzy set. Secondly, validate the ranking results statistically. Thirdly, evaluate the proposed work by benchmarking it with other related work. The research methodology consists of four stages. Mathematical model design will be presented for integrated FAHP-FVIKOR based on triangular type-1 fuzzy sets in order to solve the problem of uncertainty. Early childhood english education will be set as a case study in this research. In such a case, young learners' english learning mobile applications will be presented as alternatives and different evaluation criteria will be adopted. Mean and standard deviation will be performed to ensure the ranking results are systematically valid. Benchmarking the proposed work to ensure the effectiveness of this work. The results show that first, the integrated FAHP-FVIKOR is able to effectively solve the uncertainty and subjectivity problems in choosing the appropriate mobile application. Second, the validation and evaluation results are objectively valid.