
PEAKTOR: A Gamma-Ray Data Display and Analysis Software

Sonia M Rada*, Samah Abd ElMegid and M. Fayez-Hassan

PEAKTOR is an offline gamma-ray spectrum analysis software program developed by using the programming language of JavaFX. Using the powerful JavaFX programming language, PEAKTOR was designed and compiled to work under modern personal computers. It is designed to serve all modern operating systems including; Linux, Linux Mint, and UBUNTU. PEAKTOR calculates the energy calibration, area, centroid, FWHM and background. It can be used for important applications such as environmental studies, low-level monitoring, neutron activation analysis, nuclear analytical techniques based on accelerator and several medical applications. In this work, an evaluation will be carried out in an automatic mode between the PEAKTOR and others recent software for gamma spectroscopy such as GENIE-2000, GAMMA VISION and APTEC. Based on the comparison between Genei-2000 software and PEAKTOR the test spectra results were in good agreement for spectra analysis. While the peak area and peak integer have been seen, the automatic mode has more tendencies to low understated values.