
Responses of Effective Soil Water Content to Accumulative Effect of Vegetation Growth in Songshan Nature Reserve

Wu Hailong, Liu Jinglan, Zhang Zhenming, Zhang Yan and Liu Xuhui

Responses of Effective Soil Water Content to Accumulative Effect of Vegetation Growth in Songshan Nature Reserve

Effective soil water is an indicator of soil moisture and reflects the drought resistance capacity of soil. Four types of forest soils were chosen to analyze the correlation between organic matters and effective soil water. The results indicated that the correlation between organic matter and effective soil water were not positively related; where organic contents were high and the soil water content was not always high. Soil moisture under broad-leaf species was greater than mixed coniferous stands when organic matter was above 50 g?kg-1. Increasing rate of soil moisture decreases with an increase in soil organic matter which indicates a point of equilibrium between organic matter content and effective water content. Determination of soil organic matter is a new approach to predict drought resistance capacity for forestry water resource management. .