
Young Researchers Forum -Young Scientist Awards Cytopathology 2020

Yair Argon  

Lexis Conferences invites the participants from all over the globe to take part in “Cytology and Cytopathology” during November 23-24, 2020 at Miami, USA. The conference focuses on the theme: “Innovation trends of Cytology and Cytopathology”. Scientific sessions designed for this conference will assist the attendees and participants to learn extremes. Cytopathology 2020 aims proclaim knowledge and share new ideas amongst the professionals, industrialists and students from research areas of Histopathology, Cytology , Cytopathology, Cancer Cytology, Drug Discovery, Cytopathology techniques, Immune diseases, and Cell Biology to share their research experiences and indulge in interactive discussions and special sessions at the event.
Cytopathology 2020 Conference brings you an immense opportunity to be a part of scientific acceleration to Eminent Scientists/Research Professors in the field of Cytology, Cytopathology Techniques, Junior/Senior research fellows in Cytology, and Cytopathology Therapies, Students, Directors of Immunology companies, Pharma Company Member, Members of different cell biology, cytology & cytopathology associations, world class personalities, young scholars, scientific delegates and young scientists to join in this forum to utilize the expertise and novelties that brings a new era for revolutions in the field of cytology which brings well versed scrutinizers at one place. It provides a platform to have open discussions, knowledge sharing and interactive sessions with field experts at Cytopathology 2020.
Prestigious Award for Young Research’s at Cytopathology 2020 - Discovering The Innovation trends of Cytology and Cytopathology
Cytology & cytopathology Therapies Conference Committee is intended to honour prestigious award for talented Young researchers, scientists, Young Investigators, Post-Graduate students, Post-doctoral fellows, Trainees, Junior faculty in recognition of their outstanding contribution towards the conference theme. The Young Scientist Awards make every effort in providing a strong professional development opportunity for early career academicians by meeting experts to exchange and share their experiences on all aspects of Cytology & Cytopathology Therapies. Young Researches Awards at Cytopathology 2020 for the Nomination: Young Researcher Forum - Outstanding Masters/Ph.D./Post Doctorate thesis work Presentation, only 25 presentations acceptable at the Cytopathology 2020 young research forum.