
The Mystery of Positive Health and Family Medicine: Theories and Data

Jose Luis Turabian

If one wants to live, if there is something for which one wants to live, the will to live becomes a powerful force to fight the disease. The powerful will to live is intensified by the desire to create something, to discover something, to achieve something. A large number of patients who go from office to office are never improved, whatever treatment they receive. They complain about many and varied ailments. They feel weak; others can not sleep; some have pains in the legs, shoulders or back; others feel nervous and downcast. But if a disease is cured, the sick person can always somehow produce another. However, countless people carry out their work without fatigue if encouraged by enthusiasm and are interested in what they do. Physical illness is often something like an adjustment to the difficulties of life. It is a costly adaptation; but there are times when you really need to get sick: it is a truce in the struggle to reorganize your forces or to find new perspectives. There are two ways to get out of a situation that causes emotional tension: fight or flee. In almost all the difficulties that arise in life, it is not the external situation that makes us fail, but internal forces that we have not taken into account. Situations that have no possible solution are rare in life. Generally, we fail to discover the solution because it is one that we are not willing to accept: to make a positive adjustment.