Tariwari C.N Angaye
《医学毒理学 研究杂志》是一本开放获取的同行评审学术期刊,旨在重点关注药物、职业和环境物质以及生物制剂引起的毒性和其他不良健康影响的诊断、管理和预防。 《医学毒理学杂志》还包括药代动力学、药效学、治疗药物监测的各个方面。药物不良反应、药物基因组学、流行病学、临床研究、药物经济学、随机对照临床试验和合理药物治疗。该杂志发表原创文章、案例说明、评论文章、书评、研究文章和简短的交流。
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The science of poison that studies toxic substances with respect to their: source, properties, mechanism of action, toxic effect, detection, clinical manifestations and management etc. Toxicity can affect the animals, plants, bacteria and humans beings. Toxicity is basically three types-acute toxicity, sub chronic toxicity and chronic toxicity In U.S. there were 667 poison exposure reported per 100,000 populations. The highest incidence of poison exposure occurred in below 5 years of age group (8,327 and 8,085 exposures/100,000 children in the respective age groups) . In US 2015, According to U.S. Poison center approximately 78.4% of poison exposures were unintentional (general, environmental, bite, food poisoning, occupational and unknown), 17.6% were intentional(Abuse, misuse, Suspected suicide, unknown), ,and 2.4% were adverse drug reactions99% of poison exposures are unintentional below the age group of 6 years.
Related Journals of Toxicity
Journal of Environmental & Analytical Toxicology, Neurotoxicity Research, Journal of Clinical Toxicology, Toxicology, Toxicological Sciences, Archives of Toxicology, Journal of Toxicological Sciences, Toxicity Journals.
Acute Poisoning
The term Acute Poisoning describes the toxic effects of a substances such as drugs and chemicals that result either from a single dose or from multiple exposures in a short duration of time (usually less than 24 hours).The common symptom of acute poisoning is Headache, Nausea, Sweating, Irritation, Swelling, Affect metabolism, Seizures, Dizziness, Increased heart rate, pain, etc. In Malaysia 1999, 1798 cases were reported below the age group of 4 years, 1029 cases were reported below the age group of 10 years, 1058 cases were reported in below the age group of 15 years, and 1794 cases were reported below the age group of 20 years. For the treatment of acute poisoning Ipecac syrup, activated charcoals, Gastric cleavage, cathartics are used.
Related Journals of Acute Poisoning
Journal of Clinical Toxicology, Journal of Pharmacology and Clinical Toxicology, , Drug and Chemical Toxicology, Journal of Pharmacology and Clinical Toxicology.
Chronic Poisoning
The term Chronic toxicity describes the toxic adverse effect of substances such as drugs and chemicals from the repeated exposure in a longer duration of time( month or years).The common symptom of chronic poisoning is Cancer, Damage to kidneys, Damage to the brain, Damage to the other organs, Affect an unborn child.. There are so many factor that increases or decreases the toxicity of stressors, Chemical and Biological factor that influence the toxicity. An average of 6 people dies of alcohol poisoning each day in the US. In US approximately 18 women die every day due to prescription painkiller overdose, more than 6,600 deaths in 2010. The number of prescription drug overdose death is now greater than those of death from opioids.
Related Journals of Chronic Poisoning
Journal of Clinical Toxicology, Journal of Pharmacology and Clinical Toxicology, Drug and Chemical Toxicology, Journal of Pharmacology and Clinical Toxicology.
Drug Toxicity
Drug Toxicity is defined as Any Noxious and unintended response to the medicinal product if a medicine is properly prescribed and administered. Drug Toxicity is also called adverse drug reaction (ADR).Drug Toxicity is mainly four types- Cytotoxicity, Carcinogenicity, Mutagenicity, and Teratogenicity. Factor affecting drug toxicity are Patient’s Age, Genetic factor, Pathological conditions, Dose, Drug-drug interaction etc. Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Abdominal pain, Central nervous system dysfunction, Anemia are the common side effect of drug toxicity. Most common treatment for drug toxicity is giving activated charcoal, which binds the drug so the body can’t absorb the drug.
Related Journals of Drug Toxicity
Clinical Toxicity, Journal of Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, journal of Analytical Toxicology, Journal of Drug and Chemical Toxicology, Journal of Drug Metabolism and Disposition.
Toxicogenomics is consists of two words- toxicology and genomics. Toxicogenomics is the study about the collection and storage of information about the gene and protein activity in tissue of a living organism in response to foreign substances. Toxicogenomics two Principal goals-1. To understand the relationship between environmental stress and human disease susceptibility 2. To identify useful Biomarkers of disease and exposure to foreign substances.
Related Journals of Toxicogenomics
Molecular, Clinical and Environmental Toxicology, Essential concepts of Toxicogenomics, Genomics and Pharmacogenomics in Anticancer Drug Development and Clinical Response, Studies on Experimental Toxicology and Pharmacology.
Clinical Pharmacokinetic
Pharmacokinetic is the study of drug absorption, distribution with in body, and drug elimination over time. Clinical Pharmacokinetic is the application of clinical pharmacokinetic principles to safe and effective therapeutic management of drugs in an individual patient. Enhancing efficacy and decreasing toxicity of patient’s drug therapy. When dose are increased for most drugs steady state concentration increased in a proportional fashion leading to linear pharmacokinetics. When steady state concentration in a disproportional fashion after the dose is altered drugs follow nonlinear pharmacokinetics.
Journal Related to Clinical Pharmacokinetics
Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, Journal of Clinical Pharmacokinetics, Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics, European Journal of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics, Applied Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Psychopharmacological Agents.
Clinical Pharmacodynamics
纳米毒理学是对纳米材料毒性的研究。纳米毒理学是纳米科学的一个分支。纳米材料(NMs)通常被定义为具有至少一维长度为1-100 nm的颗粒的物质。纳米材料的毒性主要分为生物毒性和环境毒理学两类。纳米毒理学可能导致结肠癌、哮喘、动脉粥样硬化、高血压、自身免疫疾病等。一些颗粒特征,如颗粒尺寸、表面化学和氧化应激功能在纳米毒性中起着重要作用。
临床毒理学是研究药物和化学品等物质在体内的毒性或不良反应的学科。临床毒理学是研究化学品和药物如何影响生物体的学科。临床毒理学主要研究与短期和长期接触各种有害物质相关的疾病。化学品或有毒物质的不利影响称为化学毒理学。化学毒理学分为三类: 描述毒理学 机械毒理学 监管毒理学。
分子毒理学 是研究各种化学成分对生物体影响的领域。毒理学的目标是收集化学品有害作用的基本知识,研究其作用机制,并在生物测试系统的实验工作的基础上估计其对生物体可能产生的不利影响。
评估物理或化学因素对 DNA 和生物体遗传过程的影响。遗传毒理学研究化学、物理和生物制剂或物质对生物体遗传的危害作用。遗传毒理学被定义为化学试剂的特性,它损害细胞内的遗传信息,导致突变,从而导致癌症,而遗传毒性经常与致突变性相混淆,所有诱变剂都是遗传毒性的,但所有遗传毒性都不是诱变剂。美国国立卫生研究院已经描述了各类氧化剂和环境因素的遗传毒性,并将遗传毒性确定为癌症的主要原因。通过减少环境中许多遗传毒性化学物质,如丁二烯、苯和聚氨酯癌症,应该可以预防。
生殖毒理学是研究外源性物质对胚胎、胎儿、新生儿和青春期前哺乳动物以及成人生殖和神经内分泌系统的不利影响。生殖毒性包括对男性生育力、女性生育力、分娩和哺乳的影响。女性生殖毒性的副作用包括生育能力下降、青春期延迟、神经行为问题、早产、儿童癌症、出生缺陷、自然流产、月经失调。生殖毒理学的目的是通过评估对动物的影响来预测化学品和药物对人类生殖能力的不利影响。从发育阶段到出生引起发育毒性的物质称为致畸剂。 1995年,在美国,主要发育缺陷约占新生儿死亡的70%和6,500名婴儿(15个月以下)死亡的22%(1999年3月)。大约 30% 的儿科医院住院患者是因为与此类缺陷相关的健康问题。发育毒性是由药物、生活方式因素(例如酒精)、饮食、物理因素或化学因素引起的。
Tariwari C.N Angaye
Tariwari C.N Angaye
Zhang FF, Wen XS*, Lu YF, Luo SF, Lv C and Xian CJ
Tasfaout A, Youcef H, Naas K, Chefirat B and Rezkallah H
Seyed Majid Salami Asl, Mohammad Javad Khodayar, Zahra Mousavi and Maryam Akgagri