
抽象的 11, 体积 4 (2022)


Effect of Feeding Fermented Rice Bran by Rumen Liquor on the Growth Performance of Broiler

  • Muhammad Ashiqul Alam, Muhammad Shahidur Rahman Khan, Khan Muhammad Shaiful Islam, U Dickhofer and M A Grashorn


Management of Intestinal Leakage Induced Peritonitis in Small Animals

  • Sanjay Paudel, Manish Gautam, Manoj Kumar Shah


The Transmission Pattern of Entamoeba Spp. In and Around Dello Mena District, South East Ethiopia

  • Sufian Abdo*, Mukarim Abdurahman, Johar Aliye, and Sureshkumar P Nair


In Vitro Study of Curcuma, Honey, and Probiotics Combination as Candidates for Feed Additives to Replace Growth Promoter Antibiotics (AGP)

  • Marlin Cindy Claudya Malelak*, Agnesia Endang Tri Hastuti Wahyuni and Agustina Dwi Wijayanti