
抽象的 9, 体积 5 (2020)


Detection of Foot and Mouth Disease Virus (FMDV) in Cloven-hoofed Animals from Different Areas of Bangladesh

  • Swarna Reza1*, Salina Malake1, Abu Musa Al Asari2, Mohammad Giasuddin3 and Mohammad Showkat Mahmud3  


Bilateral Adenocarzinoma of the Lower Eyelid in a Cat Affecting Serial Meibomian Glands

  • Martin Reifinger1*, Karoline Lipnik1*, Elfriede Schneeweiss2  


Descriptive Epidemiological and Pathological Study of Canine Renal Cell Carcinoma

  • Maria Helena Bellini1*, Amanda Soares Jorge2, Matheo Bellini Marumo3 and Soraia Barbosa de Oliveira1