
CT & MR Imaging

CT & MR Imaging
CT and MRI are the techniques mainly used in diagnostic imaging. A CT Scan (or CAT scan) is best suited for viewing bone injuries, diagnosing lung and chest problems, and detecting cancers. An MRI is best suitable for imaging soft tissue in ligament and tendon injuries, spinal cord injuries, brain tumors, etc. CT scans are widely used in emergency cases because it can reveal internal injuries and bleeding quick enough to save someone’s life. Whereas an MRI, can take up to 30 minutes. MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) works on the same principle as NMR, it utilises strong magnetic fields, radio waves, field gradients to analyse the anatomy and physiology of the different body parts as well as diagnosis of different kinds of abnormalities. As compared to CT, MRI utilises strong radiations and time consuming. It is used in hospitals and various other diagnostic clinics. CT (computed tomography) is a widely used technique as compared to MRI. CT uses computer processed combined with the x-rays taken at different angles. Basically, CT provides cross sectional images of the scanned object i.e. it provides a 3 dimensional image. There are various types of CT like PET, SPECT etc. CT dose index measures the amount of radiation being absorbed within the scanned area.