基因工程是科学家修改生物体基因组的过程。创造转基因生物需要重组 DNA。重组 DNA 是来自不同生物体或给定基因组中不同位置的 DNA 的组合,通常在自然界中不会发现。
自然生物技术、自然方法、今日纳米、生物技术趋势、沉默、BMC 生物学、代谢工程、小、生物技术当前观点、生物技术进展、衰老研究评论、FASEB 期刊、分子生态学资源、生物燃料生物技术和植物生物技术期刊
Nature Nanotechnology, ACS Synthetic Biology, Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering, Current Opinion in Biotechnology, Tissue Engineering - Part B: Reviews, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Bioconjugate Chemistry, Journal of Neural Engineering and Journal of the Royal Society Interface
Biophysics is an interdisciplinary science using methods of, and theories from, physics to study biological systems. Biophysics spans all scales of biological organization, from the molecular scale to whole organisms and ecosystems. Biophysics is a bridge between biology and physics.
Related Journals of Biophysics
Biophysical Journal, Annual Review of Biophysics, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes, Biophysical Journal,Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Bioenergetics, Structural Health Monitoring, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes, Biosensors and Bioelectronics and Journal of Proteomics
Gene therapy could be a way to fix a genetic problem at its source. By adding a corrected copy of a defective gene, gene therapy promises to help diseased tissues and organs work properly. This approach is different from traditional drug-based approaches, which may treat symptoms but not the underlying genetic problems.
Related Journals of Gene Therapy
Gene Therapy - Nature, Human Gene Therapy, The Journal of Gene Medicine, Journal of Gene Therapy Aspects (Open Access), Gene Therapy and Regulation and Journal of Genetic Syndromes & Gene Therapy
Biochemistry is one of the crossover fields of chemistry. Biochemists have to understand both the living world and the chemical world. Even if you don’t want to become a biochemist, you'll still have to understand atoms and molecules as a biologist. Biochemistry is not about the cells or the organisms. It's about the smallest parts of those organisms, the molecules.
Related Journals of Bio-Chemistry
Journal of the American Chemical Society, Wiley interdisciplinary reviews RNA, Bioinformatics, Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, Trends in Biochemical Sciences, Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
Gene cloning is the process in which a gene of interest is located and copied (cloned) out of DNA extracted from an organism and replicated into number of copies under in vitro condition.
Related Journals of Gene Cloning
Journal of Biological Engineering, The Journal of Antibiotic ,Advances in Biotechnology ,European Review, FEMS Microbiology Letters, Genomics, Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Gene Structure, Biotechnology Advances, Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics, Molecular Immunology, Virus Research, Experimental Cell Research and Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology
Bioenergy is renewable energy made available from materials derived from biological sources. Biomass is any organic material which has stored sunlight in the form of chemical energy. As a fuel it may include wood, wood waste, straw, manure, sugarcane, and many other byproducts from a variety of agricultural processes.
Related Journals of Bio energy
Biomass & Bio energy , Bio Energy Research, GCB Bio energy, Bioenergy and Biofuels, Applied Bioenergy, American Journal of Biomass and Bioenergy, Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy and Journal of Bioenergy and Food Science
Applied Immunology is a broad branch of biomedical science that covers the study of all aspects of the immune systems in all living organisms. It deals with the physiological functioning of the immune system in states of both health and disease. The immune system is the defense against all the pathogens that we may encounter during our life and it consists of 2 main systems: the innate immune system and the adaptive immune system.
Related Journals of Applied Immunology
International Archives of Allergy and Immunology, Clinical and Applied Immunology Reviews, Nature Immunology, Seminars in Immunology, Cellular Microbiology, mmunology and Cell Biology, Frontiers in Immunology, Immunome Research, Journal of Immunotherapy, Clinical Immunology and PLoS Pathogens
Recombinant DNA (rDNA) molecules are DNA molecules formed by laboratory methods of genetic recombination (such as molecular cloning) to bring together genetic material from multiple sources, creating sequences that would not otherwise be found in biological organisms.
Related Journals of Recombinant DNA Technology
Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, The Lancet, Protein Expression and Purification, Bioresource Technology Trends in Biotechnology, Journal of Immunological Methods, Journal of Virological Methods, Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering.
Genetically modified organisms are the organism in which genetic composition is altered by artificial means, often involving the transfer of specific traits, or genes, from one organism into a plant or animal of an entirely different species by genetic engineering which may contain two or more DNA. It is also known as transgenic animals.
Related Journals of Genetically Modified Organism
Trends in Biotechnology, Biotechnology Advances, Current Opinion in Biotechnology, Journal of Biotechnology , Vaccine, Cell, Methods in Enzymology and Bioresource Technology
Bioethics is the application of ethics to the field of medicine and healthcare. It is also moral discernment as it relates to medical policy, practice, and research.The term “bioethics” was first coined in 1971 (some say by University of Wisconsin professor Van Rensselaer Potter; others, by fellows of the Kennedy Institute in Washington, D.C.), it may have signified merely the combination of biology and bioscience with humanistic knowledge.
Related Journals of Bioethics
The American Journal of Bioethics,Bioethics,Journal of Bioethical Inquiry,Bioethics Journals Princeton and Journal of Bioethics
Metabolic engineering is the practice of optimizing genetic and regulatory processes within cells to increase the cells' production of a certain substance. Metabolic engineering has the potential to produce from simple, readily available, inexpensive starting materials a large number of chemicals that are currently derived from nonrenewable resources or limited natural resources.
Related Journals of Metabolic Engineering
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Biotechnology Letters,Nature Biotechnology, Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences, Microbial Cell Factories, Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Molecular biology is a branch of science deals with any biological activity at the molecular level in the biological system. Molecular biology overlaps with the various subjects like biology, biochemistry and genetics. In molecular biology most of the work is most quantitative, and recently much work has been done at the interface of molecular biology and computer science in bioinformatics and computational biology.
Related Journals of Molecular Biology
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, PLoS Genetics, Wiley interdisciplinary reviews RNA, Cell Death and Differentiation, Trends in Biochemical Sciences, Nature Reviews Genetics, Nature Structural and Molecular Biology and Annual Review of Plant Biology
Plant biotechnology is a field that involves applying technology on plant life. It is an extensive field that involves producing new products in a larger faster way, deviating from the conventional way of doing the same. Plant tissue culture is the easiest and the most widely adopted of the biotechnology systems. Plant biotechnology involves the culture of plant tissues (roots, leaves, petioles, stems, inflouresences etc.) in artificial media under aseptic conditions. The main disadvantages of plant tissue culture are cost.
Related Journals of Plant Biotechnology
BMC Biology, Plant and Cell Physiology, Plant breeding and biotechnology, GM crops & food, Journal of Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Australian journal of crop science, Medicinal and aromatic plant science and biotechnology, Plant biotechnology reports, Functional plant science & biotechnology, Hu'nan agricultural science & technology, Journal of plant biotechnology and Plant biotechnology (Tokyo, Japan)
Marker-assisted selection (MAS), also called marker-assisted breeding (MAB), avoids this problem by using genetic markers that are linked to the desired trait. Once they are able to identify a genetic sequence that is always linked to disease resistance they can. MAS can be more efficient, effective and reliable than phenotypic selection. Furthermore, MAS can shorten the development time of varieties significantly, so in some cases it will be more cost effective than selection based on phenotypes. MAS also allow the breeding of complex traits not feasible through previous conventional methods. Although certainly not the silver bullet for all problems, MAS is a promising approach to conventional plant breeding.
Related Journals of Marker-Assisted Technique
Gene Technology, Journal of Molecular Biomarkers & Diagnosis, Journal of Cancer Biomarkers, Biomolecular Research & Therapeutics, Japanese Society of Breeding, Japanese Society of Breeding, Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Advancement of Breeding Researches, Sabrao Journal of Breeding and Genetics, Molecular Breeding.
Protein engineering is a special group of study of designing and construction of valuable proteins by recombinant DNA techniques leads to understanding the function of particular protein and recognition the newly design principles.
Related Journals of Protein Engineering
Protein Engineering Design and Selection, Protein Engineering, Biomaterials, Biophysical Journal, Journal of Molecular Biology, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communication, FEBS Letters, Bioresource Technology, Journal of Biotechnology, Biotechnology Advances, Journal of Food Engineering, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Gene, Methods in Enzymology, Journal of Chromatography A, Cell, Journal of Controlled Release, Vaccine, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Enzyme and Microbial Technology and Materials Science and Engineering: C.
Gene doping is an outgrowth of gene therapy. However, instead of injecting DNA into a person's body for the purpose of restoring some function related to a damaged or missing gene, as in gene therapy, gene doping involves inserting DNA for the purpose of enhancing athletic performance.
Related Journals of Gene Doping
Journal of Controlled Release, Biomaterials, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembrane, Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, Biophysical Journal, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Methods in Enzymology, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Journal of Molecular Biology and FEBS Letters
Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary field is to develop the methods and software tools to understand the protein or cell in the biological system of an organism. Bio informatics combines which with the computer technology, mathematics applied statistics, engineering technique to analyze and interpret biological data.
Related Journals of Bioinformatics
Bioinformatics, Journal of Computational Biology, Briefings in Bioinformatics, In Silico Biology, Structure, Protein Science, Protein Engineering, Proteomics, Nucleic Acids Research, Trends in Biotechnology, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Folding and Design, Genome Biology, Journal of Biomedical Informatics, Bioinformation, Journal of Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics, Journal of Structural and Functional Genomics, Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, Metabolic Engineering, Computers & Chemistry, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Journal of Biomedical Science and Artificial Intelligence.
Agricultural biotechnology is application of biotechnological technique used to improve the plants, microorganisms by using genetic engineering, molecular marker and tissue culture. Agricultural biotechnology is only one factor among many influencing the health and welfare of farmers and other citizens in the developing world. As biotechnology continues to evolve, factual and open public discourse is vital to define the role it should play in society.
Related Journals of Agricultural Biotechnology
Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, Chinese Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology, International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Biotechnology, World Research Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology and Journal of Agricultural Engineering and Biotechnology.
Advances in Genetic Engineering is organizing & supporting Annual Conference & Expo on Biomaterials March 14-16, 2016 London, UK with a theme New Frontiers & Innovations in Biomaterials .
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Aims and Scope
Advances in Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology (AGEB) is a scholarly journal that promotes rigorous research making significant contribution in advancing knowledge on Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. The journal publishes peer reviewed scholarly articles which adds advanced information on the field and has the potentiality to promote further research. The Editorial Board comprises of international experts from the related field and is committed to unearth critical work based on theoretical and practical perspectives. The journal is keen in publishing high-quality, thought-provoking research work that will have a direct impact on clinical practice & scientific discovery.
Topics Covered
Advances in Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology not limited to the topics mentioned here, Advances in Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology journal focuses on cell biology, genetics, microbiology, immunology, molecular biology, biochemistry, embryology, immunogenetics, cell and tissue culture, molecular ecology, genetic engineering and biological engineering, bioremediation and biodegradation, bioinformatics, biotechnology regulations, pharmacogenomics, gene therapy, plant, animal, gene cloning, gene targeting, eugenics, gene therapy ,genetic ethics ,microbial and environmental biotechnology.
Submission of Papers
The papers could be submitted in the form of Research, Review, Case Reports, Case Study, Mini reviews, Commentary, Letter to Editor, Scientific Report, Thesis, Clinical images and many more. To get the details for manuscripts submission click here.
Processing of Manuscripts
The journal is using Editorial Manager System to facilitate a smooth and efficient review process. The editorial board members of Advances in Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology or outside experts review the manuscripts for publication. At least two independent reviewer’s approval followed by the editor is mandatory for the acceptance of any citable manuscript. Authors may submit manuscripts and track their progress through the system, hopefully to publication. Reviewers can download manuscripts and submit their opinions to the editor. Editors can manage the whole submission/review/revise/publish process.
Enzyme Technology is application of Industrial Biotechnology The examination around there includes both essential and connected enzymology, biocatalysis, sub-atomic displaying, basic science and demonstrative technique in understanding the function of enzyme of the plants and animals.
Related Journals of Enzyme Technology
Enzyme and Microbial Technology, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Journal of Biotechnology, Journal of Molecular Biology , Journal of Dairy Science, Bioresource Technology and Methods in Enzymology