
Rhythmic Stages of Sleep Pattern Effecting Normal Day to Day Life

Harpreet Kaur

Sleep and stages are determined by several factors, which are the environment, and time awake sleep cycle. The constant routine and altered sleep-wake schedules. From such protocols led to the discovery which determine the amounts and distribution of slow wave and rapid eye movement sleep for the development of models to determine the amount and timing of sleep. One successful model postulates process. Process like S, which is due to sleep pressure and increases with time awake attributed to a 'sleep homeostat'. Process S reverses during slow wave sleep which is S. second is process C, showing a daily rhythm parallel to the rhythm of core temperature. Processes S and C combine approximately additively to determine the times of sleep onset and waking in adults majorly. Nature of processes S and C. Circumstances include: those who are poor sleepers or short sleepers; the role an individual's chronotype and changes in the sleep-wake cycle with age, particularly in adolescence and aging.