
临床营养学 2017:使用专利口服血清素输送系统的减肥效果 - Robert B Posner - 血清素解决方案


血清素 (5-HT) 是一种天然存在的胺类神经递质,由体内的氨基酸色氨酸合成。血清素受体有 7 种不同的类型,每种受体又有不同的子类。  


原始口服血清素给药已在病理监督的 Serotonin-Plus 减重中心使用。超过 24,000 名患者接受了治疗,在 12 周的治疗方案中,女性平均减重 30 磅,男性平均减重 40 磅。Serotonin-Plus 计划和专利血清素补充剂对与肥胖相关的并发症(如糖尿病、高血压、高胆固醇血症等)产生了显著影响。





As medical professionals, we all have patients in our practices whose medical problems could be dramatically improved by weight loss. We routinely recommend weight loss for improved health. You may have told patients to “eat less and exercise more.” Perhaps you give your patients written dietary plans and nutritional guidelines to review. Some physicians provide nutrition counseling through an in-house dietitian or counselor. Other doctors refer patients to an outside nutritionist or dietitian. Unfortunately, these services are rarely reimbursed by insurance companies.
As a physician, you are well-positioned to help your own patients lose weight safely and effectively. All of the elements are in place to become actively involved in helping your patients lose weight.

Serotonin-Plus was founded by Robert Posner, M.D. in 2002. Dr. Posner has been practicing internal medicine at his Burke, VA office for more than 20 years. Dr. Posner patented the first oral delivery system of natural serotonin in 2000. Some of his internal medicine patients began taking the supplement for mood enhancement. Many of them reported decreased carbohydrate cravings and weight loss.

In 2002, Dr. Posner decided to develop a weight loss protocol using his supplement with lifestyle modification. Eight years later, 10,000 people have safely lost weight on the Serotonin-Plus Weight Loss Program™. The average weight loss is 35 pounds in 12 weeks. During the program, patients eat real food and learn lifestyle changes that are sustainable long-term. To date, there has not been a single hospitalization, serious adverse event or lawsuit related to the program.

The Serotonin-Plus Weight Loss Program™ is structured as a 12 week program. The patients have an initial visit with a physical, EKG, labs are ordered, prescriptions given and the dietary plan is reviewed in detail. The patients have weekly visits at which weight and vital signs are checked and dietary counseling is given.

Many of our patients also take a prescription appetite suppressant. This prescription is written as a 7 day supply. We have found that this is the most responsible way to prescribe weight loss medications and it is one more way to encourage patients to come to the weekly visits. Counseling and support and weekly visits are a key aspect to encouraging our patients’ successful lifestyle changes.

We can help you market to your existing patients and ensure that your entire investment is returned within the first two weeks. We focus on working with physicians who have a true passion for preventative medicine and wellness. We have worked with physician practices in various specialties. Bringing the Serotonin-Plus program to your office can be accomplished with no financial risk to you.

将经过验证、安全且有效的 Serotonin-Plus 减肥计划™ 引入您的诊所将帮助您的患者变得更健康、更快乐。当患者的朋友、同事和家人看到他们看起来和感觉多么棒时,您的业务将通过口口相传而增长。Serotonin-Plus 计划对任何医疗实践都是真正的补充。作为一名医生,看到患者实现减肥目标并改善生活是如此令人欣慰。我们期待将 Serotonin-Plus 减肥计划引入您的诊所。

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