低收入国家普遍的健康问题通常集中在营养不良问题上,但随着国家的变化,我们经常观察到肥胖和慢性疾病增加的趋势。库尔德斯坦自治区是最近经历了显著经济发展的一个特定地区。几乎没有研究调查过这里的成年人口,也没有研究过相关的地理区域。因此,本文提供了从库尔德斯坦埃尔比勒两所学校工作/学习的 1023 名 18 至 63 岁成年女性收集的健康状况和地理信息。健康状况信息包括身高、体重、体重表、腹部/臀部轮廓和肌肉与脂肪的百分比。地理信息的收集方式是要求参与者在经过大范围测试的地图上找到自己的位置,这些地图被地理参考到埃尔比勒的已实现 GIS 图层,然后进行数字化。使用局部 Getis-Ord 空间聚类测量来识别高和低 BMI 值的空间组。 3.4% 的样本存在体重过轻的迹象,44% 的样本被视为超重或肥胖。空间群体分析发现,在城市西南象限的一系列常规距离范围内,BMI 值较低的群体较为活跃。在城市的中部和东部地区可以检测到 BMI 值较高的群体,但随着常规距离的增加而移动。这些数据表明,较高的 BMI 与埃尔比勒较富裕的社区有关。这些发现意义重大,因为它们代表了库尔德斯坦埃尔比勒女性健康状况的主要独特地理研究之一。
The improvement of the Nutrition Landscape Information System (NLIS) was one of the three equal exercises of the Landscape Analysis venture; the second being the advancement of nation typologies for "status" to quicken activity through the work area audit; and the third, the usage of inside and out nation evaluations. The advancement of the NLIS planned for bringing issues to light of, and worry about, the Country Profiles among nation arrangement producers and different partners including contributors. Bringing different existing nourishment related databases together inside WHO and furthermore those of other accomplice organizations to create NLIS should enable sustenance to activity in general to be introduced in a progressively far reaching way. This is a living record which might be refreshed dependent on new research or criticism from clients.
Rare assertion is made to the Bill and Melinda Gates Basis for supporting the usage of the Landscape Examination on Republics' Readiness to Hurry Action in sDiet. Profound thanks are communicated first separate nations who have attempted the Landscape Analysis nation appraisals and furthermore the individuals who have indicated the extraordinary enthusiasm for undertaking these nation evaluations, and furthermore to the individuals from the Partner Agency Group, including UN offices (specifically FAO, UNICEF, WFP, World Bank), reciprocal offices, NGOs (specifically Helen Keller International and GAIN), research and scholastic foundations, for example, Medical Research Council in South Africa just as various teaming up specialists who had upheld and guided in different phases of the arrangements and execution of the
Scene Analysis.
The service's organization way to deal with the improvement of this report, including the financing of certain occasions and exercises, especially the board conversations with youngsters in 12 governorates, features the eagerness to collaborate in supporting such extraordinary endeavors. We stretch out our thanks and appreciation to each one of the individuals who have added to this report: the central writer, the national facilitator, the Kurdistan Region organizer, writers, perusers, specialists, analysts, experts, scientists, and the Youth Team. We likewise express our gratefulness for the gatherings that have bolstered this work all through the United Nations Development Program (Head Office and Iraq Office), the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, and Bayt Alhikma.
Given in 2008, the second National Human Development Report (NHDR) prevailing with regards to acknowledging one of the most significant objectives of Human Development Reports: raising a discussion on advancement approaches among government authorities, scholastics, educated people, media experts, and common society associations. Today, with the expanding need to advance the administration's job as a guardian of human turn of events, this report centers around Iraqi youth.