
Effects of Different Processing Methods on Anti-Nutritional Factors of Cassava (Manihot Esculenta Crantz)

Prashant Dahal, Man Kumar Tamang

The effects of different treatments/methods (sun drying, cabinet drying, blanching, boiling, roasting, and fermentation) on the anti-nutrient (cyanogen, tannin, oxalate, and phytate) contents of harvested raw cassava tubers (collected from landrace of Jhapa, Nepal) were examined.

The mean value of cyanogen, tannin, oxalate, and phytate content in raw cassava were found to be 86.29, 29.81, 12.3, and 23.75 mg/kg respectively. Maximum reduction of anti-nutrients: cyanogen (65.5%), tannin (94.57%), oxalate (80.49%), and phytate (99.99%) were found when cassava was fermented for 21 days after it has been cooked for 10 min. Sun-drying was the second most effective method in terms of anti-nutrients removal. Boiling of cassava for 5 min reduced the cyanogen and the other anti-nutrients significantly (p<0.05). The reduction of cyanogen by roasting for 5 min was not significantly different (p>0.05) than roasting for 4 min. The reduction of anti-nutrients by other techniques employed was less as compared to that of fermentation, and hence we conclude that fermentation is the most effective method for cassava processing.